Green Rock Manufacturing Group welcome all initiatives to help reduce single use plastic and non-easily recyclable take away products.


We welcome the U.K. Government Department for the environment (DEFRA), decision concerning their long awaited proposed `Paper Cup Mandatory Take Back Scheme`.

For reasons as we understand it, in their view, that include high expense vs relatively small achievable numbers, it has been announced that the scheme is not being progressed- According to 'The Grocer', "It is binned."

We believe trying to create infrastructure to keep the status quo with products that are not easily recyclable is the wrong solution to the problem. The cost vs benefits do not add up, and the capacity is not available to handle the 2.5 billion paper cups used in the UK each year.

The advent of next generation materials, coupled with the capacity now available means that all paper cups used in the UK can be made from materials that are easy to recycle and require no specialist facilities, The industry needs to embrace these materials, whether they be natural organic coatings, mineralised PE or PLA and materials such as Delipac. All materials that have been certified as easily recyclable and not requiring specialist facilities.

Legislating to ban traditional standard PE lined cups, would remove the uncertainty as to which product is truly and easily recyclable, and allow all cups to be collected and recycled alongside normal paper waste.

The materials are available, the forming capacity within the UK is available, and manufacturers embracing the new materials are willing and able to satisfy the UK demand.

Packaging made from next generation paperboards behaves exactly like regular paper & cardboard when it becomes waste – and is certified and proven to do so - meaning no limitations on recycling, and no specialist facilities required.

© Green Rock Manufacturing Group Ltd 2022.
All Rights Reserved Registered in England No. 13604182 | VAT No. 393060304

© Green Rock Manufacturing Group Ltd 2022.
All Rights Reserved Registered in England No. 13604182 | VAT No. 393060304

© Green Rock Manufacturing Group Ltd 2022.
All Rights Reserved Registered in
England No. 13604182 | VAT No. 393060304